________________________________________________ Washington Federal v. United States, No. 13-385C WAZEE STREET OPPORTUNITIES v. United States, No. 18-1124C Before Chief Judge Margaret M. Sweeney. In the United States Court of Federal Claims - BRIEF OF AMICUS CURIAE - The shareholders are witnessing how the plaintiffs (mainly Junior Preferred Stock -JPS- holders) and the Government, along with the FHFA-Conservator collude with judges to favor their economic interest, at the expense of the shareholders (holders of common stocks) A shareholder of a company is related to the ownership interest, that is, the ability to vote directly on the decisions of the management in the Annual Shareholders' Meetings and the appointment of the members of the Board Of Directors, who are tasked with the supervision of the management. A common stock, unlike the debt instruments Obligation, Bond, Note, MBS, etc, reflects the value of the enterprises because it has an econ...